Thus you have decided to Marry ! Cinderella's Ashirwad Matrimony / Catholic's Matrimony offers you an opportunity to find the right partner and we will help you take those step in the right direction. Cinderella’s Ashirwad / Catholic's Matrimony is the largest database of Catholic / Christian Brides and Grooms in the World. Our Catholic's / Christian's are spread all across the World with a lot of Grooms and Brides from USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Kuwait, Dubai, Gulf, Mumbai, Bangalore, Managalore, Pune, Gujarat, Goa, etc. This is your chance to find the right SoulMate.
We have taken a lot of security to ensure that only genuine Catholic's / Christian's register on our website. While all new memberships are screened, before they are able to browse, it is advisable that if you are serious about finding the SoulMate, it is advised that you upload your own photo and have an active membership to view. 30 Successful Years Cinderella's Ashirwad / Catholic Matrimony was founded in the year 1989 and has helped more than 2,00,000+ successful marriages [with 0% divorce] all over the Globe including NRI Community. Our website's was formed in 2004 after tremendous amount of research. We've conducted extensive study on successful couples to determine what traits are important for a successful marriage. It's this commitment to “science of mind” that makes Cinderella’s Ashirwad / Catholic Matrimony so unique and the best Catholic / Christian Matrimonial Website in the World.. Now we've taken that experience and created important prospectors and places… which you will find when you search with Cinderella's Ashirwad / Catholic Matrimony, to dig deep into your interior world. One of the most important tools you need to build a healthy and lifelong relationship is self-knowledge. By giving you two substantial and in-depth reports - one based on who you are and the other based on who is right for you – We're convinced that you'll be able to choose your life SoulMate of your choice with knowledge and confidence. Make a Search: Quarterly Membership / Half Yearly Membership: You can make a search for a SoulMate of your choice, you can do the same by choosing the Partner Search link in the menu or the panel displayed on your member home page. Once you choose your criteria, you can view the list of profiles that match your criteria. You can view the detailed profile of the person by clicking on the respective photograph or the profile name and call or email them. Search: Golden Super Service / International Services: You need not make a search in Golden or International membership - although you have that option, its we who will send your profile to all the members and the other party will call you or email you.
VIP Membership: You May Contact us to Know the rates for VIP Membership. |